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カテゴリー: The Treasure Hunt Club
Marcel Van Amelsvoort
(Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies)
Hello. My name is Marcel and I’m a member of the Kanto Chapter. I guess
many of you like net-surfing and love to use some the web sites or
information you find to brighten up your classes. Some of you may even
be using web sites as the main material for your lessons. But searching
for good sites and good information is a time-consuming job. I hope this
treasure-hunting column series will help us all to share some useful
information, useful sites, and interesting and effective techniques for
using them. For the first few columns, I’ll share with you some of the
things I have found useful. I would also like to encourage readers to
send in their own bits of web and teaching “treasure” to make it
available for everyone. My first column is about content and places to
find content when you have a pretty good idea of what you are looking
for. For those of you who want to jump right into using rich multimedia
content, this column will look at ways of finding such content and
putting it to use.

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カテゴリー: General
本年8月、米国Brigham Young Universityで FLEAT Vが開催されます。準備を
進められているHarold H. Hendricks氏からメッセージが届きました。インター


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カテゴリー: General

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