外国語教育メディア学会 (LET) 第63回 (2024) 年次研究大会を下記の要領で開催します。研究発表、実践報告、公募シンポジウムを下記の通り募集します。奮ってご応募ください。
なお,大会の詳細については大会ホームページ https://www.j-let.org/let2023/もご覧ください。
会期: 2024年8月6日(火)~ 8日(木)
大会テーマ:「令和の教育改革 ―未来の外国語教育をデザインする―」
【研究発表等の募集期間】 2024年2月15日(木)〜 3月15日(金)23:59 まで
【発表申込方法】 このウェブサイトの 発表申込フォーム から登録する。
会員登録フォーム から正会員または仮会員IDを取得したのち、発表申込フォームから登録してください。
※ 発表タイトルの前に発表区分(例:研究発表)を明記すること。
発表概要では,研究の意義や問題の所在・研究課題(research question)や研究目的・仮説・手順・分析手法・参加者・結果・考察を示していること。実践報告の場合,当該実践に至る背景(過去の実践を含む)・対象学習者・実践内容の概略など発表概要に示していること。
Dear LET members,
The 63rd Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (2024) will be held as follows. We are calling for research presentations, practical reports, and open symposia. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Dates: August 6 (Tue) – August 8 (Thu), 2024
Venue: Nagoya Gakuin University, Nagoya Campus, Shirotori
Format: Face-to-face (some presentations may be delivered online as an emergency measure)
Theme: Educational Reform in Reiwa: Designing the Foreign Language Education of the Future
The application period: February 15 (Thu), 2024 to March 15 (Fri), 2024 (23:59)
Proposals should be submitted online: Submission form
New members must complete the new member registration procedure (provisional registration is also acceptable) on
the LET website and obtain a member ID.
【Call for Papers】
Research presentations: Oral and poster presentations of theoretical and empirical research results related to foreign language learning, second language acquisition, language science, and other related fields.
Practical reports: Oral or poster presentations on the development, use, and measurement of the effectiveness of foreign language teaching methods, teaching materials, learning support systems, etc.
Symposiums: Sessions in which multiple presentations in the same field, including research and practical reports, are given under a unified theme.
Supporting Member Presentations: Oral and poster presentations by supporting members.
【Presentation Method】
All research presentations, practical reports, and public symposiums will be conducted in a face-to-face format.
Even if you choose to make a research presentation or a practical report at the time of application, you may be assigned to a poster presentation based on the number of presentations and the balance of the program.
The research/practical report presentation is allotted 20 minutes, with 10 minutes for questions and answers after the presentation.
The duration of the symposium is 100 minutes.
【Eligibility for Application】
All presenters and co-presenters must be LET members at the time of application.
New members must complete the new member registration procedure (provisional registration is also acceptable) on the LET website and obtain a member ID.
【Eligibility for Presentation】
All presenters must have paid the LET membership fee for the year 2024 by the time of pre-registration for the conference (the deadline for pre-registration for the conference is July 31).
【Presentation Details】
The content of the presentation must be unpublished.
The language of the presentation must be in Japanese or English.
The title of the presentation must be written in both English and Japanese, regardless of the language of the presentation.
The classification of the presentation must be written (e.g., “Research presentation”).
【Summary of presentation and keywords】
The summary of the presentation should indicate the significance of the research, the problem being addressed, the research question, the research purpose, the hypothesis, the procedure, the analytical method, participants, results, and discussion. In the case of a report on teaching practice, the presentation outline should include the background to the practice (including past practice), target learners, and the learning content.
The summary and keywords should be written in the language of the presentation. Five keywords should be provided.
The abstract should be no longer than 800 words in Japanese or 400 words in English. If the application is in a language other than the applicant’s native language, the abstract and keywords must be checked by a native speaker of the language before the application is submitted.