発表者の皆さまへ(研究発表・実践報告、公募シンポジウム)(For presenters (research presentations, practical reports, and symposia))

July 31st, 2024



●何らかの事情で発表ができなくなった場合は、速やかに事務局(taikai@j-let.org または大会サイトの「お問い合わせ」より)にお知らせください。

◆For presenters (research presentations, practical reports, and symposia)

●All presenters are also required to register for the conference. The deadline for advance registration is July 31, but if you cannot make it in time, you may register on the day of the conference.
●If you are using a PC, please bring your own; it can be connected via HDMI or RGB cable.
●One moderator and one assistant student will be assigned to the research presentation room, and one staff member and two assistant students will be assigned to the symposium room.
●Research presentations should proceed as directed by the moderator. Symposia are to be conducted by the presenters themselves.
●Please arrive at the venue well in advance. If the presenter does not show up at the start time, the presentation will be considered cancelled.
●Research presentations are 20 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for questions. Please be on time. The symposium will last 100 minutes in total.
●If materials are to be distributed, all printing, distribution, etc. must be done by the presenter.
●If for some reason you are unable to make your presentation, please notify the secretariat (taikai@j-let.org or through the “Contact Us” link on the conference website) as soon as possible.