大会名 Conference Title:
外国語教育メディア学会 (LET) 第63回 (2024) 年次研究大会
The 63rd Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (2024)
大会テーマ Conference Theme:
「令和の教育改革 ―未来の外国語教育をデザインする―」
Educational Reform in the Reiwa era – Designing the Foreign Language Education of the Future
日程 Date:
2024年8月6日(火)~ 8日(木)
会場 Venue:
Nagoya Gakuin University Nagoya Campus Shirotori
(1-25, Atsuta-Nishimachi, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)
主催 Organized by:
Japan Association for Language Education & Technology
後援 Supported by:
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology / Aichi Prefectural Board of Education / Nagoya City Board of Education
助成 Subsidized by:
公益財団法⼈ ⼤幸財団
the Daiko Foundation
開催方法 Conference Format:
対面 Face-to-face
重要な期日 Important Dates:
・研究発表申込受付 Call for papers:2/15-3/15
・研究発表審査 Selection of presentations:3/16-4/16
・発表要項の提出 Submission of proceedings:5/20-6/20
・参加申込 Registration for participation:5/1-7/31
・プログラム公開 Program release:7/1
(各日程は変更の可能性があります The dates are subject to change)
The 63rd Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (2024)
Conference Theme:
Educational Reform in the Reiwa era – Designing the Foreign Language Education of the Future
August 6 (Tue) – August 8 (Thu), 2024
Nagoya Gakuin University Nagoya Campus Shirotori
(1-25, Atsuta-Nishimachi, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)
Organized by:
Japan Association for Language Education & Technology
Supported by:
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology / Aichi Prefectural Board of Education / Nagoya City Board of Education
Subsidized by:
The Daiko Foundation
Conference Format:
Important Dates:
・Call for papers:2/15-3/15
・Selection of presentations:3/16-4/16
・Submission of proceedings: 5/20-6/20
(Details will be provided separately to selected applicants)
・Registration for participation:5/1-7/31
・Program release:7/1
(The dates are subject to change)
本年度の研究大会のテーマは、「令和の教育改革 ―未来の外国語教育をデザインする―」というものです。中教審の答申にもありますように、「令和の日本型学校教育」ということで、全ての子供たちの可能性を引き出す、個別最適な学びと、協働的な学びの実現を目指しています。英語教育においても、一人一台の端末から、デジタル教科書での学びということで、テイラーメイドな教育をめざしながら、子供たち同士が協働的に学ぶというように、大きく変わってきています。さらに世界は、ChatGPTに代表されるように、AIとの対話を通してコミュニケーションを行うというように、アニメやSFの世界が実現しつつあります。そのなかで、私たち教師は何ができるでしょうか?どのような外国語教育を生み出していくことができるでしょうか?
その大きなヒントとなるような、3名の著名な先生方のご講演があります。デジタル化を推進されておられます武藤久慶氏(文部科学省初等中等教育局)、第二言語習得がご専門のJulie Norton氏(University of Leicester)、情報科学がご専門の乾健太郎氏(MBZUAI・東北大学・理化学研究所)の豊富な知見から、一歩先を行く新たな発見があると思います。また、多様なワークショップ、研究発表、実践発表から、皆さん自身が未来の外国語教育をデザインしていただけるものと思います。
LET63 実行委員長
Dear LET members,
As we open the year 2024, we would like to express our sympathy to the victims of the Noto Peninsula earthquake and the plane crash at Haneda, as well as our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families. I also feel great disappointment and sadness at the fact that warfare has not ceased in the world, and at the same time, I would like to work toward the realization of a peaceful world.
The number of coronavirus cases has reduced since 2023, daily life has returned to normal, the number of inbound visitors has increased, and many academic conferences are finally being held in person. This year, the Chubu Chapter will host the annual conference here in Nagoya.
This year’s conference theme is “Educational Reform in Reiwa – Designing Foreign Language Education for the Future.” As stated in the Central Council for Education report, “Japanese-style school education in Reiwa” aims to put into effect individualized and collaborative learning that brings out the potential of all children. In English education, too, there has been a major shift from one digital device per student to digital textbooks, which aim for a tailor-made education and collaborative learning among children. Furthermore, the world is becoming a world of anime and science fiction, as exemplified by ChatGPT, where communication is conducted through dialogue with AI. What can we teachers do in this context? What kind of foreign language education can we create?
We have three lectures by three well-known educators who will help show us the way. We are sure that you will discover something new and gain helpful insights from the rich knowledge of these distinguished professors: Mr. Hisayoshi Muto (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau) who is promoting digitalization, Dr. Julie Norton (University of Leicester) who specializes in second language acquisition, and Professor Kentaro Inui (MBZUAI・Tohoku University・RIKEN) who specializes in information science. I am sure that you will be able to make new discoveries that will help you keep a step ahead of the times. We also hope that you will be able to design your own future foreign language education through the various workshops, research presentations, and practical presentations.
In addition, from this year, in order to make the conference more attractive to a larger number of members and to attract more participants from overseas, we have made the website and the program bilingual (Japanese and English), aiming to make this an international conference.
Please enjoy the “hot” and “intellectually stimulating” LET conference in Nagoya, one of the “hottest” cities in Japan, and also enjoy Nagoya meshi (the cultural cuisine unique to Nagoya)!
LET63 Organizing Committee Chair
Yuri Nishio
