Home > The Treasure Hunt Club > No. 41 Web-based Multi-media Presentations (and Christmas)

No. 41 Web-based Multi-media Presentations (and Christmas) (2008年12月10日)

カテゴリー: The Treasure Hunt Club
Marcel Van Amelsvoort
(Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies)
This month in the Treasure Hunt we'll look at a few of the many new
web presentation tools that have appeared recently. These tools are
really versatile. You can make any type of presentation, often using
a combination of images, video, text, voiceovers or other audio, and
yes, PowerPoint slides. These presentations can then be viewed at
the site or embedded into a blog, a Moodle page, or really any website.
The first use that comes to mind is for instructors to create

presentations for learners, but since these tools usually don't require
any downloading of software, they are also great for student-produced
projects. What kind of projects? Well, how about a multi-media
introduction to a hometown, a presentation on your favorite food, or a
country you'd like to visit? Or a movie review? Or a poem? Look at
some of the examples of student work at the sites listed below. Then
introduce the tools to your learners and watch them get creative.
Last month at my school's festival I was blown away by a student-
made video. I am always impressed with how creative students can be
when they get the chance.

The first tool is Voice Thread. Voice Thread should be familiar to
regular readers of this column. http://voicethread.com/#home. I'm
including it again this month because it is so good, and because I have
a sample thread that features Christmas karaoke. Look at the slides,
sing along, and click the links to visit some Christmas classics.

Next is another previously introduced site, Splashcast. They recently
redid their interface and it is easier than ever to use, though it is a
little difficult to understand what to do at first. Click on the "Try" link
and make your own channel. Then make your splashcasts and embed
them into your blog or website. http://web.splashcast.net/

Our next tool is Flowgram where you can create interactive guided
presentations by combining web pages, PowerPoint, photos, highlights
and your voice. This is a great presentation tool, especially if you want
to introduce websites or web pages. http://www.flowgram.com/

And finally, there is Glogster. It allows you to make a digital
multimedia "poster." You get a single blank page that can be filled up
with images, embedded video, info or poetry. As a platform it forces
the learners to think about design and content. And the results are
engaging. The posters on display at the site are now organized by
categories (rather loosely, however), and you can take a look at some
of the ways others have expressed themselves: travelogues, interactive
calendars, cartoons, movie intros (with the preview, critics' opinions,
etc.). A great resource, no registration and no downloading required.
http://www.glogster.com/ And here is a sample poster, again keeping
with our Christmas theme. http://mizt03.glogster.com/The-grinch/

That's it for this month. Happy Holidays to all and see you in 2009.

