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カテゴリー: The Treasure Hunt Club
投稿者: 名ばかり編集長
■ The Treasure Hunt Club No. 68
March 2011 Treasure Hunt
Video Presentations for or by learners, and a Great Dictation Site
Marcel Van Amelsvoort (Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies
In previous columns I have looked at sites where learners can access videolessons and ways to get more out of YouTube. This month I’d like to introducesome sites where teachers can make use of video with their learners. And by‘make use of’, I mean the teacher either makes video or multi-mediapresentationsfor learners or gets the learners make their own presentations and share themwith each other.
■ The Treasure Hunt Club No. 68
March 2011 Treasure Hunt
Video Presentations for or by learners, and a Great Dictation Site
Marcel Van Amelsvoort (Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies
In previous columns I have looked at sites where learners can access videolessons and ways to get more out of YouTube. This month I’d like to introducesome sites where teachers can make use of video with their learners. And by‘make use of’, I mean the teacher either makes video or multi-mediapresentationsfor learners or gets the learners make their own presentations and share themwith each other.
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