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カテゴリー: The Treasure Hunt Club
Marcel Van Amelsvoort
(Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies)
Welcome back to the Treasure Hunt and welcome to 2009. This past
year was an exciting one in CALL. 2008 was the year that Web 2.0
tools really came of age. So many great sites are now available with so
many interesting activities and functions and so much good content.

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カテゴリー: The Treasure Hunt Club
Marcel Van Amelsvoort
(Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies)
Hello. I hope everyone is doing well coping with the hot summer weather. This month I’d like to go back to listening sites. I think one of the best things about the web for students in Japan is the large number of great places where they can go to practice listening for free. Of course, the web has many places where people can find interesting listening. At YouTube, for example, students can find just about any type of content they want, including music videos, TV shows, movie scenes, and news videos. Recently, more and more of my students are spending time watching videos on YouTube, and I think this is a good thing. But sometimes I want them to practice listening with more structure and some support, and that’s where the sites I’d like to introduce this month can help.

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カテゴリー: The Treasure Hunt Club
Marcel Van Amelsvoort
(Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies)
Hello again everyone. First, my apologies. One of the links for the
games last month was missing, or rather in its place was another link.
Here is the correct link for WordHunt:
(http://www.gamesforthebrain.com/game/wordhunt/ ). The focus of this
month’s column will be on stories. We’ll be looking at stories in
January as well, but this month we’ll be looking at stories with
listening elements, or stories that are read to you.

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カテゴリー: The Treasure Hunt Club
Marcel Van Amelsvoort
(Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies)
Hello again! I hope you all had a nice relaxing holiday (or a productive
holiday!). With Golden Week behind us, it is usually a time of year to
look forward and I had planned to move on to our next skill area
(speaking) this month. However, a couple of really great listening sites
were introduced to me recently and so I thought I would go back and do
another column on listening.

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カテゴリー: The Treasure Hunt Club
Marcel Van Amelsvoort
(Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies)
Hi everyone. Welcome back. Before we get started with a look at sites
that can be used for listening training, I have a few odds and ends that
I would like to go over.

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