Gain without Pain: Simple BYOD Tools for the Classroom
August 6th14:15-15:45
Basics of thematic analysis in qualitative research
Extensive Reading and Listening: Why and How
August 6th16:00-17:30
An Exploration of Moodle Features in the Late 3.x Era
August 8th13:30-18:00
Half-Day Bus Tour
残席数Seats available: Plenty
Workshops with English titles are given in English.
The registration is overdue, but you can use the link below to log in and print your receipts.
ワークショップまたは半日バスツアーを既にお申込み済みの場合は[ログイン]から。 (既にお支払いを完了していて、別のお申し込みをされる場合も [ログイン] から)Click [Login] if you have already registered for workshops or half-day bus tour. (Or click [Login] if your payment has already been completed and you want to make a different registration.)